- A square peg in a round hole
- Человек не на своём месте
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
square peg in a round hole — round peg in a square hole or square peg in a round hole A person who is unsuited to the particular position he or she occupies • • • Main Entry: ↑peg … Useful english dictionary
square peg in a round hole — If somebody s in a situation, organisation, etc, where they don t fit in and feel out of place, they are a square peg in a round hole … The small dictionary of idiomes
square peg in a round hole — {n.}, {informal} A person who does not fit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. * /Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball./ * /George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he s a … Dictionary of American idioms
square peg in a round hole — {n.}, {informal} A person who does not fit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. * /Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball./ * /George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he s a … Dictionary of American idioms
square peg in a round hole — If somebody s in a situation, organisation, etc, where they don t fit in and feel out of place, they are a square peg in a round hole. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** To say that a person is a square peg in a round hole means that they … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
square\ peg\ in\ a\ round\ hole — noun informal A person who does not fit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball. George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he s a square… … Словарь американских идиом
square peg (in a round hole) — n. someone who does not fit in. □ I’m a square peg in a round hole. Maybe I am meant to be eccentric. □ Kelly seems to be a square peg. What’ll we do with him? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
square peg in a round hole — a person who does not fit into a job or position He is like a square peg in a round hole trying to do the job of an accountant … Idioms and examples
Square peg in a round hole — If somebody s in a situation, organisation, etc, where they don t fit in and feel out of place, they are a square peg in a round hole … Dictionary of English idioms
a square peg in a round hole — I see peg II a person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character * * * a square peg in a round hole : someone who does not fit in a particular place or situation She felt like a square peg in a round hole at the new school until she… … Useful english dictionary
a square peg in a round hole — Ⅰ. ► a square peg in a round hole a person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character. Main Entry: ↑peg Ⅱ. ► a square peg in a round hole see PEG(Cf. ↑peg). Main Entry: ↑ … English terms dictionary